My impressions of the Salt Lake City
Utah State, Monument Valley
Salt Lake City, Utah State, United States of America
I, like many others, heard about the Salt Lake City in connection with the Winter Olympics held there in 2002. Actually, that is all I could say about it.
A strange sensation you experience when flying by plane to the City-on-Brine-Lake. When we flew here from San Francisco, the plane gained altitude and continued on its way. Soon the summer landscapes were replaced by the view of the winter mountains. This snow-covered kingdom stretched for many kilometers. Moreover, when I realized that the plane was going to land, it was surprised, because there was not a long period of decline.
Next week of my stay in the Salt Lake City, I had the feeling that I never landed; so high was the location of the city above sea level. This note is for travelers who inclined to hypertension. Yes, and yet, while in Utah, you must remember to drink water, especially in summer, because you will not notice how the body is dehydrated. Perhaps, these are all the disadvantages of the Salt Lake City, which you have to keep in mind. All the rest is pluses.
First of all, I'll tell you about the hotel. We stayed in Little America; the room was in a two-storied building.

Single inexpensive room is huge, clean, beautifully furnished, large TV, refrigerator, safe, iron with ironing board, hair dryer, coffee maker, Wi-Fi. The bathroom is spacious, a long marble countertop around the washbasin, an original set of bath products. Despite the frosty weather, the building is very warm.
There is an automatic machine in the corridor, which serves out free ice. The restaurant is located in another building, the cuisine is good, and the abundance of berries is surprise (explained by supplies from South America). There are fresh flowers in the hall.

The grocery stores of the city are full of various fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. The abundance of dairy products, baking, confectionery. The clothing and footwear, like in other states, are mainly of Chinese origin.
The streets of the city are spacious, clean, mountain fresh air, drinking water from glaciers, good urban transport, and few people.

Since modern life is closely connected with the Internet, I have to tell about achievements of the city and of the state in this area. The first online service in the state was developed back in 1993 (for example, for anglers, where, the places for good fishing are indicated on the map).
The state authorities pay great attention to technology solutions that increase the efficiency and transparency of government processes and reduce operational costs.
An e-government system has been developed that enhances citizens' access to public services and information, especially for people living in out-settlement and rural areas. For example, there are a BookMobil service, an online service for immunization, state management (water security etc.), an on-time service that in real time shows the location of a particular tram, bus, snow machine in mobile application. It is possible to view industry statistics, macroeconomic indicators for the state in different sections (agriculture, employment etc.).
Currently, work is underway on voice search for the information services portal.
All, without exception, business transactions can be done in one electronic window: online - registration in all structures, all types of reporting.
The electronic service "Open Government Initiative of Salt Lake City" was launched in the city. This initiative is aimed at increasing citizen participation in governance, and making the city government more transparent and accountable. Transparency of financing - detailed information on all purchases, business trips, tenders for the city, the county, the state in the public domain on the Internet, you can even view the costs of officials for a hotel, a taxi (scanned checks). For example, an Internet forum Open City Hall is functioning, where city residents discuss civil issues with elected officials, as well as an application SLC Mobile, that people can use to report problems and request services from their mobile devices (repairs, crime, cleaning etc.). There are polls of the population via the site (police wearing of cameras, assistance to homeless people, land use), and on the basis of polls some decisions of the authorities are made. The initiators of such polls are the state authorities themselves (dialogue with the population, work with informal social groups).
Let me give some examples of online services, which, perhaps, will be useful for someone during a stay in the Salt Lake City: - a site for traffic management via web cameras. There are hundreds of cameras in the state and mobile programs. There are also sensors built into the roadway, determining the speed and load on the track. You can see traffic jams, crashes on the site, view the selected point on the map via the webcam, see the time needed for the path. - a site for hunters and fishermen. Issues of obtaining licenses, various useful information. - complete information about the multiple state nature reserves of the state. For example, you can reserve a parking space for the desired date. - information services on “exact” sciences. - portal for children in entertainment design. - portal for job search. The unemployment rate in the state is less than 3%, and this is structural unemployment – people who are changing jobs and young people who are looking for the job for the first time. Information about professional retraining. - an interactive Internet portal Senate Cloud, that facilitates a dialogue between citizens and officials through social media, allows members of the public to read bills and monitor developments in the Senate.
Among the sightseeing, I can mention such architectural structures as the building of the Capitol of Utah.

Inside the building resembles a museum.

Here are located government organizations; the Senate has the sessions, court hearings pass.

Registration of marriages is carried out here also.

Beautiful city administration building.

Undoubtedly, the architectural pearl of the city is the Mormon Temple.

Although the main part of the premises on the territory of the church is closed to strangers, but there are halls where tourists are allowed.
There are often competitions in various sports in the city.
For lovers of choral singing - the evening performances of the famous Mormon choir.
In the wintertime, the fans of ski walks from the neighborhood and other states come to Utah.

Here acceptable prices for hotels and car rental. There are many rental agencies for tourist and sports equipment in the city.
However, of course, the most interesting thing in Utah is the huge number of national parks and nature reserves. They are located throughout the state. Besides, they are to be visited, preferably, in a more weather-friendly period than winter. Among them, fantastic Bryce Canyon, Canyon Lands with the famous natural arch of Mesa, the Arches National Park, where multiple natural arches are located - the result of wind, temperature, water and time work, the Monument Valley, the Antelope Canyon with the Martian landscape.

Right next to the Salt Lake City is one of the national parks – the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding area.

Although the lake is not that big anymore. However, judging by the trail left from the water level in the nearby mountains, one can imagine how huge this lake was once. Many species of animals and birds inhabit in the reserve. We managed to see only wolves and buffalo.

So, we went to Utah not as tourists, but for business. Here a huge impressive world opens for the tourists. You will be impressed by Utah. Here you will see!