Plan each trip with a planner TripHearts. You can add any destinations, countries, cities, and attractions to your route.
Planning a travel on the map is a great way to arrange your trip. You can plan your route yourself or with your friends. There is a mechanism for access sharing travel for this purpose.
Mark the countries you have visited in your travel map, and show it to your friends. Maybe it' ll push them to their own travels! You can create your own destinations and plan your travel itineraries online. It'll make your trip much easier.
Open the travel you have created and add impressions of every city and all its sights. You can insert an unlimited number of photos and notes into your itinerary.
During your travel, open up TripHearts and describe what's happening right now. Do it as often as possible, catch and save every moment.
Mark all the places you have visited. The story of the trip will always be waiting for you here so you can relive it.
Publish short stories with photos, share your emotions with friends and Travelers’ Club members.