TripHearts focuses on travels. You will directly get into the community of like-minded people, and you can find interesting travelers stories.
Create a story and describe it in your own style. Add photos to your posts to make them more distinctive. We recommend using text formatting to make it more readable.
Here you can both publish your stories and just read about other people's travels, their advice and recommendations. Share your impressions, tell stories, ask questions and create your own travel blog.
Can't imagine your life without mountain hiking? Do you enjoy extreme tourism? Do you enjoy a peaceful resorts? At the TripHearts Travelers’ Club you'll always have something to tell and read, no matter what kind of travel you prefer!
Here you will find your like-minded people, whether they are authors of travel blogs or readers of your own adventure stories.
You can find travel stories that will inspire you to write your own articles. Create your travel stories on an interactive map with photos and mini notes.
Travelers share their experience in their blogs and posts. Join us in creating a worldwide community of travelers and travel bloggers.