Travel map

World map for travel marks. The story of each trip on an interactive map. My travel map.

Create a travel map

My travel map

World map for travelers. Mark all the places you've visited on the dynamic map.

Mark countries and citiesDirectionsIcon

Travel map on TripHearts is a map where you can mark places, countries and cities. Online travel map to help every tourist. You can add not only countries, but also cities and places you’ve visited.

Personal progress of a travelerSerfing

How many countries and cities did you visit? How many is left? Are you planning a round-the-world trip? Find out about your travel progress! During the trip add new cities on your travel map.

Evaluate the places you've visitedFlipFlops

Leave reviews and evaluations of the countries and cities you’ve visited. Travelers share experience with each other and build a ranking of cities on TripHearts. When marking a new visited point on the map, select a score and write your recommendations.

Share the map with your friendsDivingMask

A world map for travels can be published on Facebook. Mark new cities and share your travel progress with friends. Perhaps it will motivate them for new trips with you.

Travel map

Interactive travel map with possibility to mark each attraction - map for marking travels.

New trip - new mapGlobeHand

What could be better than a travel map with marks of the countries you have visited? Separate map for each trip with a detailed route! Create a new travel on an online interactive map.

Mark each locationSunSea

Create a trip route and mark all the places you have visited on the map. Countries, cities and attractions can be points. Do you want something more? Then create your own unique locations on your travel map!

Map for travel notes
Add your impressionsAlpinism

A travel on TripHarts is not just a map with a route, it's a whole history of your travel with mini stories and photos. Add impressions of all the interesting sights you have visited during the trip.

Comment on the travel itineraryLoungeSunMen

Discuss and comment on your friends' impressions, participate in discussions. On TripHearts you can add and change the travel map together with your fellow travelers.

Create a chronology of all your travels with the interactive map. Share your adventures with the world.